St. Joseph’s College Ombaci is a Catholic founded school aided government. It is a boys boarding school with “O” and “A” Levels, three streams each for O level and two streams each for A-Level offering both arts and science subjects.
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St. Joseph’s College Ombaci is a Catholic founded school, Government funded, “O” and “A” Level boys Secondary School.
The college was founded in 1943 by the Comboni Missionaries, as a technical school, to skill returnees from World War II in technical vocations such as automotive mechanics, brick laying, masonry, carpentry and the like.
In 1960 it was turned to offer O level secondary education. In 1984 it started offering A Level. During the 1970s and 1980s, Ombaci rose to become one of the top five secondary schools in Uganda, under the leadership of its first Headmaster, Father Marco Lino Mich.
The Ugandan civil wars, from 1979 until 1981 and from 1981 until 1986 adversely affected academic standards at Ombaci. It was not until the 2010s that Ombaci began to perform admirably again till currently.
Mission: To produce informed minds and trained hands of the boy child for the service of mankind.
Vision: To be a Centre of excellence in holistic education
Core Values: God fearing, Team work, Transparency & Accountability, Innovativeness, Professionalism, Hard work, Self-Reliance.
Library: St. Joseph’s College Ombaci has a library stocked with a fair number of books for all the classes and including knowledge gaining books like the encyclopedia, old and latest journals, educative magazines and many other books which make a standard library. The school library takes an average of over 300 students at a time from a population of about 700 students.
The library is being stocked by several individuals, government agents, NGOs and other institutions who have taken an interest in the school because of its integrity, dignity and most of all the good performance and production of well-behaved and disciplined students who have contributed positively in the outside world after completion of their study in the school.
The school library is also stocked with computers connected to the internet for students to get on line help without having to borrow books, each students is allocated a period of two hours a day to surf for knowledge.
The Sick bay: St. Joseph’s College Ombaci operates a sick-bay managed by a qualified school nurse. The sick-bay handles emergencies and first aid. Detailed treatment is obtained from the major health facilities located outside the school and at the expense of the sick student. On average, the school provides a conducive environment for learning.
Water: St. Joseph’s College Ombaci has two main sources of water. The school bore hole which is located in the school compound, this produces clean water which is mostly used by the students as drinking water source.
The school also has piped water from a nearby water pump which supplies the most water to the students at times where the borehole is crowded. This water is reserved in the tank shown on the left side of this page.
School Bus: St. Joseph’s College has acquired a brand new school bus which is used as the schools major means of transport to transports its beneficiaries to various places like taking students for seminars, tours, sports activities and many other travels both short and long distance.