Kitante Hill School | KHS, sometimes referred to as Kitante Hill Senior Secondary School, is a public, mixed, day school located in Kitante, a neighborhood in the city of Kampala, the capital and largest metropolitan area in Uganda.
Kitante Hill School (KHS) was established in 1960 to cater for the children of civil servants in the about-to-be independent Uganda. It started with a population of 200 students and was limited to O-Level classes until 1986 when A-Level studies were introduced. Initially boys-only school, it became mixed (boys and girla) in 1987. The student population in April 2014 exceeds 1, 600 students.
- Co-Curriculum
- Location
- Gallery
Outside academics, Kitante Hill Senior Secondary School is engaged in games like Track ball, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball and Golf, and Clubs include Debate.
Kitante Hill School is approximately 3 kilometers (1.9 mi), by road, northeast of the city’s central business district. Neighboring institutions include Kitante Primary School, a public elementary day school and the Uganda Museum. The school can be accessed off of Acacia Avenue (John Babiiha Avenue), on Kololo Hill or off Kira Road on Mulago Hill. It caters to ‘Odinary’ Level (S1 to S4) and to ‘Advanced’ Level (S5 to S6). The school teaches both science and liberal arts subjects.