Rubaga Girls Secondary School is a catholic founded girl’s only boarding secondary school, founded in 1967 found in Rubaga division, Kampala.
It is fully registered by the Ministry of Education and sports with a UNEB center No: U0197. The school boasts a charismatic management committee comprising of Board of Governors and PTA executive members.
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Rubaga Girls’ Secondary School is a catholic founded school of distinction owned by Kampala Archdiocese and managed by Bannakikira Sisters. Rubaga Girls S.S is a girl’s only boarding secondary school, founded in 1967 and shall thus celebrate 50 good years of discipline and academic excellence in 2017.
Rubaga Girls’ Secondary School was founded in 1967 by Kampala Archdiocese. It was registered and classified by the, then, Ministry of Education on 21st April 1967 under Number PSS/R/3. The founders placed it in the hands of White sisters of the order of Our Lady Queen of Africa to run / administer it. Sr. Lucce Tessier, a Canadian, was appointed as the first Head teacher. The school acquired A-Level status on 25th /04/1994 under the No. PSS/S/103.
Motto: Enlighten for the Future
Vision: To become a center for academic excellence for the girl child.
Mission: To train young girls who will serve the church, the nation and themselves as God-loving and God-fearing women, mature citizens, responsible future mothers and capable leaders.
Rubaga Girls Secondary School offers both Sciences and Arts at both Levels. It follows the curriculum as prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Sports, both Academic and Co curriculum. The school has a Staff of well qualified and competent teachers and Non-teaching staff members.
O-level curriculum includes the following subjects,
English, Literature, CRE, History, Geography, French /Luganda/ Kiswahili, Mathematics, Agriculture, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Fine Art, Foods & Nutrition, Commerce, Computer studies, Entrepreneurship Ed, Physical Education, Moral Education
A-level curriculum includes the following subjects, that you will be expected to offer.
General Paper, Subsidiary Mathematics, Subsidiary ICT, Literature in English, French, Luganda, Kiswahili, CRE, History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Fine Art, Foods & Nutrition, Agriculture, Economics, Entrepreneurship Education