Health Tutors’ College Mulago (HTC Mulago) is a health tutor training Institution under Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Sports. It is affiliated to Makerere University through the College of Education and External Studies (CEES). HTC Mulago trains tutors in all health related disciplines who upon completion of their training, teach in post basic health training Institutions.
The college started in the 1960’s mainly offering diploma in health tutorship in nursing. But, due to the demand in other health disciplines, the college found it necessary to include midwives and other allied health professionals. In 2010, the college upgraded from diploma in health tutorship to Bachelors degree courses.
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Currently, the college offers three programmes; namely, Bachelor in Medical Education (EDM), Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Education (PGDME) and Higher Diploma in Clinical Instruction.
Many potential health tutor students cannot leave their work places to concentrate on the three year Bachelor of Medical Education Course. Therefore, Health Tutors’ College Mulago has undertaken the necessary steps and introduced new distance, online courses.
At Health Tutors’ College Mulago, the availability of three standard skills laboratories (General, Nursing and Midwifery), a wide stocked library and a well equipped computer laboratory enhances the Tutor students’ knowledge and skills.