Tororo Girls Secondary School, also known as Tororo Girls School (TGS), is an all-girls boarding school covering grades 8 -13 in the Eastern Region of Uganda. Tororo Girls Secondary School is in the town of Tororo 5 kilometres southeast of the town’s central business district. This is approximately 210 kilometres.
- Academics
- Co-curricular
- Gallery
The school has a wide Curriculum both at O and A level.
The O’Level Subjects include the following: English, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Home economics, Geography, History, Commerce, C.R.E. Principles of Accounts, Political Education, Fine art, Music, Computer, Germany, Technical drawing/woodwork.
While the A’Level section provides the following Subjects: History, Geography, Economics, Divinity, Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Food and Nutrition, Fine Art.
Co-curricular Activities
These include;
Athletics, Netball, Volleyball, Basketball, Football and the mind games such as chess, snake and ladder, scrabble, ludo. Since the ministry of education encourages schools to perform these activities alongside academics, Tororo girls school has followed the programme and she has participated in both internal and external competitions.
Games and sports
The students compete internally in their planets and this involves all students from S.1 to S.6 and each planet has at least students from each class for favorable, calm and peaceful competition; the planets include the following,
Pluto, Mars, Jupiter.
The accommodation in TGS is superb, all students sleep comfortably. All dormitories are self-contained and other toilets are constructed outside to cater for others in case the flash toilets are fully occupied. All dormitories are at class level where all classes have different dormitories and these include;
Green dorm- for S.1s,
Red dorm- for S.2s,
Yellow dorm- for S.3s,
White dorm- for S.4s,
Senior Dorm – for A’ level students.
Purple dorm for any spillovers from S.1 to S.5
Different classes wear a different uniform and this was decided on for easy identification of students per class and also to improve on discipline.