As university students draw close to the final exams of the second semester of 2015/2016 academic year, we provide a few tips that could help in the preparation.
Simply not studying
On the occasion that one finds oneself with a very busy schedule leading up to the exams, this would be an important approach to consider. Firstly, identify the possible free time in the week that you can use for revision, then draft a timetable and endeavor to commit to it. Start by filling in all the time you cannot study, such as sports and other social activities. Then allocate time for meals and travel etc. lastly, all the times the student intends to study should be entered in the timetable.
Be active and test
Revision should be a very active behaviour, in which one’s brain should be constantly searching for and trying to remember information.
In their approach to a new topic of revision students might try reading the headings first. For each heading you should ask ‘what do I remember about this?’ and jot down a few words to represent what they already know. If you don’t remember anything at all, that’s okay: you should note it and spend time on it later. Next go to the questions at the end of the chapter/section and read through them. This will give an understanding of what the author thinks is important. You should be mindful of how many answers you already remember – this helps motivation.
Furthermore, you should read each section and, at the end of each one, note down what is important. Now, you should test yourself, either in your head or by completing sample questions from past papers, or both.
RELATED: Late Night Study Tips.
You should minimise the distractions over which you have control, like turning you’re your phone. Once you’re distracted, you should note it and then return to work without becoming frustrated or chastising yourself. It is a good idea to keep a page handy and tick it each time there is a distraction and then return to work. Take notice of incidences of distraction decreasing.
Without being aware of monitoring when you become distracted you are likely to continue day dreaming.
Finally, you should set yourself timed tasks and challenges, for example, ‘I will read this section in two minutes,’ or ‘I can draw this diagram in five minutes’. This means that you become more actively engaged. This keeps you focus and you make better use of your time.
RELATED: 4 Strategies for Teaching Students How to Revise.
Additional Content from The Irish Independent