
Circle of Peace Nursery and Primary School

Providing education to the under-privileged children in society.

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Circle of Peace Nursery and Primary School is a family-run urban school that educates about 200 students from nursery through Grade 7. Classes are taught in English.

Both Christian and Muslim children attend the School, which is open to to people of all faiths. Despite meager conditions, the school produces the highest-testing and most well-behaved students in the area.

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Circle of Peace Nursery and Primary School serves students whose families cannot afford to send them to public schools. Some of Peace School’s students are orphans whose parents have died of AIDS. Without the school, these children would have no one to care for them. The School provides for all their needs: housing, food, clothing, medical care, emotional support.

The mission of Circle of Peace Nursery and Primary School is to educate students of limited resources through balanced academic and social pursuits, thereby nurturing reverent, hardworking, and disciplined individuals.

Circle of Peace Nursery and Primary School provides excellent nursery and primary education in subjects including Language Development, English, Luganda (native language), Literacy, Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, as well as instruction in Health, Social Development and Religion. The curriculum also includes Music, Dance and Drama.

All classes are taught in English. Tutors are available to students who need help with reading and math lessons.

Parents are encouraged to visit the school and meet with teachers and staff.  Visiting hours are weekdays 9 a.m. – noon and 4 – 6 p.m.

Primary Leaving Examination (PLE)

Despite challenging conditions, the school has produced the highest-testing students in the area. In 2004, the Primary Leaving Examination was administered at the school for the first time to 15 students. Each year since then our Primary 7 students have done very well.

Circle of Peace Nursery and Primary School allows students to participate in daily physical education. The school is equipped with swings, a merry-go-round, and small areas for playing soccer and other games. Some students participate in monthly swimming lessons at a local pool.

Circle of Peace Nursery and Primary School is grateful to donors who have supplied team uniforms and equipment to our several sports teams.

Circle of Peace Nursery and Primary School has a boy’s dormitory and a girl’s dormitory at the school where the orphans and some other students reside. Most children commute from home.

The School is supported by the selfless giving of the Bbaale family. Besides Amina Bbaale, the family matriarch, there are six sisters and four brothers, all of whom either work at the school or support it financially. Many nieces, nephews and cousins are also involved.

Families of school children contribute what little they can to their children’s education. The School earns operating funds by raising poultry. Children assist in gathering and selling eggs. At certain times of the year, chickens are also butchered and sold.


In 2014, the school’s library was expanded to over 1,000 books.  Students use the library often. In the lower classes, teachers read to the students daily.  Parents are encouraged to check out books to improve their knowledge and to help their children with reading assignments. The school has textbooks that students may take home for extended periods to improve reading skills and vocabulary. The library teachers have established a tracking system ha allowing students to sign for books at check-outs and check-ins.

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