Study Tips

Ways To Keep Well Informed

Knowing whats happening around the world is one thing but staying informed on whats going on is another. keeping up with the news can be scary, intimidating and depressing. But it’s also necessary: how will you save the world if you don’t know what’s wrong with it?

Informed citizens are good citizens, and in order to be an informed citizen, you need to stay up to date. Doing so will allow you to make wiser decisions and become more civically engaged.

Have conversations with people who are informed.

This goes hand in hand with the above point, and it’s one I could get better at. Even if you still feel uninformed, talking with those who read the news often and are invested in it can help you better understand what you’ve read. They can guide you in the right direction, and straighten out facts you have that may be a little shaky or not facts at all. Hopefully, you’re also talking to people who are patient and willing to help and engage in friendly debates.

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Find the positive.

The news is sometimes an unhappy place. It’s not uncommon for learning about the world to depress you – but there is good news coming from all corners of the world. If you find yourself losing faith in humanity, seek out more positive channels.


Know what you’re looking for.

Looking around for news just to find out what’s happening is never a bad thing, but it helps to know what you’re looking for. You won’t feel as overwhelmed if you’re set on a specific topic because then your search will be narrower and easier to navigate.

Go local and global.

You shouldn’t only know about events going on in your neighborhood or just know about events 5,000 miles away. Stay balanced by following various news sources that cover local, national and global news. Don’t be afraid to work up to the global. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try focusing on a specific region of the world that interests you. You could quickly learn enough to help you in potential academic or professional endeavors.

Use your free time wisely.

Most of you will claim you don’t have an extra hour each day to devote to current events. So use the time you do have wisely. Scroll through a news app while in line at the doctor’s office. Watch the morning news while you get dressed in the morning. Listen to NPR on your drive to work. Set your homepage to your favorite news site. News comes in so many forms, there’s bound to be one that fits neatly into your schedule.

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Customize your social media feeds.

Chances are, you spend several hours each day scrolling through Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. So why not make it more informative? Follow news organizations and personalities on these platforms to add a dose of news into your cyberstalking. On Facebook, you can also see the day’s trending stories on the right side of your Newsfeed, while Twitter allows you to create Lists with specific people for an easy digest of the day’s headlines