
St. Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Boarding Primary School

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St. Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Boarding Primary School is a Catholic founded school. Started way back by the white sister in 1910. Which later was handed over to the Bannabikira sisters (Daughters of Mary) in 1972.  It started with an intention of educating the girl child of the chiefs and the people around.  The pioneers being the daughters of the chiefs, they started with primary one regardless of age and size of the learners with a fair number of about twenty girls. 

I am happy to inform you that from twenty girls we have got a big school with a total of 700 pupils and more interesting that we now have boys as indicated in the enrollment.

Mission: To produce quality education, practical and social skills that will lead to be good, productive and self reliant citizens.

Vision: To produce all-round citizens.

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Co-curricular Activities

St. Mary Immaculate Villa Maria Boarding Primary School helps pupils to exploit their different talents through Music, dance and drama, games and sports, gardening, e.t.c.
The School also has different clubs like legion of Mary, Charismatic renewal, Xavierians, debates, quizzes, scouting, girl guiding and others.

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