St. Aloysius Primary School | STAPS was founded in 1938 by the Roman Catholic Church. It is a government aided school from nursery school to primary 7.
There are 331 boarders amongst the 1,173 total students who attend the school.
There are 17 classrooms for the students and 38 teachers.
Per term St. Aloysius charges 39,500 shillings ($18) for day students and 221,500 shillings ($100) for boarders per term and received 4,314,711 shillings ($2,700) in government grants last year.
St. Aloysius Primary School’s mission is “To give quality education to every child”, and its motto is “We still strive for success”.
The Students compete in national level athletics and have won their divisional music, dance, and drama competitions. They received an award of merit for their participation in the fight against HIV
staffing: There are 27 teachers on Government pay-roll and 12 private teachers, totaling to 39. The school employs a school nurse, an Accounts clerk, 2 secretaries 3 watchmen, 4 shamba men, 6 cooks, 3 matrons and 2 wardens.
Academic performance: The school’s academic performance has been improving year by year, this being the result of team work among the staff and the parents.