Red Rock Junior School is a Daycare, Kindergarten, Day and Boarding school which has an ambitious and creative curriculum, we offer an ethos of unity and love through which the teachers look to draw out each child’s innate talents.
The School encourages the children to explore, ask questions and work together harmoniously; by offering opportunities for everyone to succeed, celebrate and share in their joy and delight.
We give the children wonderful self-assurance and the confidence to look after one another and care for their community.
As our pupils move on to Senior School, they do so with an excellent academic foundation, with deep and lasting friendships, an appreciation of stillness and the confidence to meet challenges.
Red Rock Junior School started on 2nd February 2014 with a total of 80 pupils but is adversely growing at a fast rate. It is located in Kampala, Uganda. It is found in Lubaga division opposite Lubiri Senior Secondary School main gate.
- Academics
- Facilities
- Gallery
• All basic primary school subjects
• Computer lessons
• French language
• Swimming
• Barley music
• Piano & guitar lessons
Additional programs:Computer lessons for holiday makers in holidays and over the weekends, French language, Luganda language, Tigirinya
School core values
Reverence to God, Team work, Integrity, Transparency, Cleanliness
Red Rock Junior School is a happy, caring, safe and a stimulating environment that support and guide all children towards achieving their full intellectual and personal potential.
This school is a partnership between the pupils, staff, board members, and the parents.We aim to provide a safe ,secure environment where children can feel happy and confident, develop independence and take pride in their work.