[related_posts] Ombatini Secondary School is a Government Sponsored Secondary School in Uganda. Ombatini Secondary School is found in Maracha-terego District and in Katrini Sub-County.
[related_posts] Ombatini Secondary School is a Government Sponsored Secondary School in Uganda. Ombatini Secondary School is found in Maracha-terego District and in Katrini Sub-County.
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OMBATINI SS is the school that made me who i am today, i joined this great school way back in (2006-2009) emerging as the only O-Level grand one student 2009. I’m perturbed to see this great school having search little enrolment lately. Dear parents and school going people, Education is the effort the child puts in learning not Name of the school, so i humbly encourage us the student education sponsors to Please look back and make OMBATINI SS Great again. Lets rejuvenate from our comfort zones and Build this school to its Glory. Not happy but Hopeful.