Nabumali High School is a mixed government aided Advanced level Boarding Senior Secondary School. Nabumali High school is located in the village of Nabumali, in Mbale District, off the Tororo-Mbale Road, approximately 11 kilometres (6.8 mi), south of the town of Mbale, Uganda.
The magnificent plateau site along the slopes of the volcanic Mount Elgon, strategically located to oversee the beautiful savannah plains just below provided an excellent location for new center of education in the region.
History: In 1909 a decision was made by the CMS Committee at Mengo to start a school of Agriculture in the Mbale area. Accordingly, the school was started at Musoto with the name Mivule High School also known to some as Mbale High School and Reverend H.K. Banks moved from Nabumali to become its first Headmaster. And so Nabumali High School was effectively born. It was soon to be transferred to the present site on 3 July, 1917.
Academics: Nabumali High school has continued to be among the best performing schools in Eastern Uganda producing successful persons like, Aggrey Awori – Former Ugandan Minister of Information Technology and former Member of Uganda’s Parliament, John Garang (R.I.P.) – Former Vice President of Sudan and former Leader of Southern Sudan, Lt. Col David Oyite Ojok (R.I.P.) – Former Army Chief of Staff UNLA and James Munange Ogoola – Former Principal Judge and current Chairperson Judicial Service Commission – Uganda among others.
[related_posts]Facilities at Nabumali High school include; a library, a computer lab and residential dormitories.
Co-curricular activities at the school include; Soccer, Basketball, Cricket, Track, Rugby, Volleyball, Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis, and Hockey.