Midland High School – Kawempe is a mixed boarding secondary school, situated in Ttula Kawempe division 7km on Kampala -Bombo raod 1km off from Roko Kawempe up to Tula Tranding Centre.
It is a school with high quality education, it builds brains with character, strives for prosperity, God fearing and self-esteemed citizens are the values of the school.
Mission: Providing top quality secondary education that prepares students for quality life,spirit of enterprises, community based services and quality leadership.
Vision: To be a model school in the provision of quality education and produce God fearing and responsible citizens.
Objectives: To provide quality education to all students regardless of their religious background.
To produce God fearing students
To inform responsible future leaders.
- Curriculum
- facility
Midland High School offers a full secondary curriculum both”O’ and “A” LEVEL .we go an extra mile in teaching of science education.
Ordinary level:
English, mathematics, physics, biology, geography, history, political education, computer science, C.R.E, Islam, Foods and nutrition, chemistry, literature in English, Luganda, Kiswahili, Fine art, Entrepreneurship, Commerce, Agriculture.
Advanced level:
Mathematics ,Physics ,Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Foods and Nutrition, Economics, History, Geography, Kiswahili, Islam, Literature, Fine Art, Divinity and General Paper.
The school has well established facilities ranging from class rooms, dormitories, pitches a large and spacious compound, among others.