Kiira High School is a mixed day and boarding Government Sponsored School found in Jinja District in Jinja Central Sub-County with both Advanced and Ordinary levels. Kiira high school is located in Jinja near the source of the historical longest river in Africa-River Nile with about up to 1000+ students.
History: Kiira High School was established in 1993, pioneered by two students. It has expanded over the years and has become a centre of secondary education in eastern Uganda. Kiira High has many foreign students from Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Sudan.
[related_posts]Student Life: At Kiira high school, you will find resources and support that far exceed your academic goals. Kiira High’s tradition of excellence means that Kiira High starts you off on solid life lessons like self discipline and ethics. Therefore what sets Kiira High apart is the genuine student centered nature of the classes and staff. Any student will find it easy to fit in and find their place in Kiira High community.
Kiira High school mission is to extend affordable quality secondary education to all social classes.
Kiira High School, P.O.Box 5157, Jinja, Uganda.