Kawanda Secondary School is a private Boys’ and Girls’ secondary school. The school is fully registered by the ministry of Education and Sports, with a UNEB center. Uganda students are drawn from within the country and neighboring Anglophone countries.
It accepts learners from all backgrounds, creed and beliefs. The school offers a Ugandan curriculum.
The school year is divided into three terms of three months each with one month vacation in between terms.
Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE): The learners offer seven core subjects namely; English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography,
kawanda secondary schoolIn addition to, students have a choices of three optional subjects from the following; Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Accounts, Islamic/Christian Religious studies, Art and Design, ICT, Arabic, Swahili, English Literature, Political Education
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE)
This is a two-year course prior to joining the Universities in Uganda. The students offer at least four subjects from the variety of Arts and Science Subjects as listed below;
- Economics, Entrepreneurship, History, Islamic/Christian Religious Studies, Geography, Art and Design.
- Sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
In addition to spacious, cool, beautiful compound; the school provides ultra modern spacious rooms, dormitories and other specialised rooms such as ICT Center, Laboratory, Library, Sickbay, DSTV and much more.
Other facilities include variety of games and sports and other social ammenities to promote all round education.