Holy Cross Lake View Secondary School strives to encourage all students to do their very best academically, and at the same time to develop `into the full persons they are called by God to be. Blessed Father Moreau frequently spoke of forming minds and hearts of young people. To Blessed Moreau, education was much more than just success in academics, important as that is.
For example, on October 16, 2009, 39 students were confirmed in the Catholic faith. Shortly before that, nine of that number were baptized, and others were brought into the Church and received their First Holy Communion. This shows how the Catholic character of the school and the campus ministry team have had a great influence on the faith of the students at Lake View.
While Holy Cross Lake View is a Catholic school, nobody of any other faith is excluded. There are many Protestants and Muslims in the school. They are encouraged to practice their faith and are invited on special occasions to join with the Catholic community for prayers and always to be part of the school community.
Holy Cross Lake View is a Catholic school in the tradition of Blessed Moreau, and it endeavors to encourage the young people who come to become the very best people they can be. It has been a joy to be share in that mission
O’Level Subjects: English, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Home economics, Geography, History, Commerce, C.R.E. Principles of Accounts, Political Education, Fine art, Music, Computer, Germany, Technical drawing/woodwork.
A’Level Subjects: History, Geography, Economics, Divinity, Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Food and Nutrition, Fine Art.
Extra co-curricular activities
Games: Football, Netball, Volleyball and Cricket), Music, Dance and drama, Farming (gardening and piggery), Social clubs, academic clubs, debating clubs, scouting.