Eliana Junior School was started in 2005 by Andrew and Grace Ddamulira. It is a mixed private primary school of 380 students in grades pre primary through primary 7. Fees range from 80,000 shillings (about $37) to 180,000 shillings (about $84) depending on grade level.
Eliana Junior School has 22 classrooms available, of which 14 are operational and being used by a staff of 30 teachers. As a private school, Eliana Junior School receives no government grants. It has received some donations, but remains short of funding to meet its needs. Text books, laboratory equipment, computers, musical instruments, and game and recreation equipment are all in short supply.
[related_posts]Eliana Junior School welcomes opportunities to engage in sister school relationships. Eliana Junior School’s mission is To produce smart, hardworking and civilized Ugandans.