Crane High School was founded in 2000, serving as an upper secondary school for the UACE students. In 2002 it expanded to include UCE students and in 2013, acquired the primary section. It is a school that educates students from Primary One through Primary Seven (PLE) and is located in Kitintale a community in the eastern location of the Capital City, Kampala.
The school is widely known for the quality of its all round education, consistently one of the top schools in sports, and extra-curricular activities.
The school currently has an enrollment of more than 1500 students from Primary one to Senior Six. Informally known as “Crane High,” the school encompasses three divisions: Lower School (Primary), Middle School (UCE) and Upper School (UACE). The Middle and Upper Schools share a campus, and the Lower School occupies its own site.
O’Level Subjects: English, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Home economics, Geography, History, Commerce, C.R.E./I.R.e, Luganda, Principles of Accounts, Political Education, Fine art, Music, Computer, Germany, Technical drawing/woodwork.
A’Level Subjects: History, Geography, Economics, Divinity, Literature/Luganda/French, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Food and Nutrition, Fine Art.
Extra co-curricular activities
Games: Football, Netball, Volleyball and Cricket), Music, Dance and drama, Farming (gardening and piggery), Social clubs, academic clubs, debating clubs, scouting.
A tremendous infrastructural development in 2016 with a completion of a New Class room block, girls dormitory, library extension, computer lab, music room, sickbay & tailoring room.
The school has a library extension with a sitting capacity of 120 students at a go. New class room block is under construction which will be housing the Library, dining hall, among others.