Buseesa Primary School was founded by the Catholic Church in 1939 with 28 students and 2 teachers. The school has since grown to an enrollment of 439 students in primary 1 through 7, and is staffed by 8 teachers using 16 permanent classrooms. The school also has a coordinating center and a tutor and 2 other non-teaching staff. For the 2007-2008 school year, the school received 2,988,960 shillings ($1,800) in government grants.
Buseesa Primary School charges exam fees of 1,000 shillings (less than $1) per month, and 5,000 to 10,000 shillings ($3 to $6) per month for extra lessons. A small boarding section has been started to try to improve academic performance in primary 7. There are 9 boarders currently who contribute 40 kg of maize flower and 20 cups of beans.
[related_posts]The lack of adequate staff, staff housing, electricity, and enough instructional materials are primary challenges for the school. In addition, local parents are not fully engaged and supportive of school activities. The Head Teacher sees opportunities for developmental projects such as growing coffee or raising poultry, pigs and cattle on the school property. These projects, as well as the other challenges, however, require funding beyond the school’s current resources.