Budadiri Boys Primary School was established by the Mill Hill Missionaries in 1920 and taken over by the government in 1954. The current enrolment is 867 and there are 16 teachers and 14 classrooms. Eight of the classrooms we re recently renovated by a government school facilities grant, which also paid for the renovation of a teacher’s house.
A boarding section was started in 2003 and currently has 35 children who pay 90,000 shillings ($50) per term. The government grant in the last full year was 2,500,000 shillings ($1,351).
[related_posts]There is a teachers’ welfare fund to help provide food for the teachers. Children in grades 1 to 4 are supposed to pay 500 shillings (27 cents) per year and in grades 5 to 7 3,000 shillings ($1.60) per year. Only about half of students pay. P.O. Box 307 Mbale, Eastern Region Uganda.