Bethel International Christian School is committed to supporting Christian families by providing a Christ-centred education for children. True scholarship (discerning God’s purpose for one’s life (Prov.1:7)) transforms children into the light and salt needed for this world, and provides the children with a solid foundation from which to assess the present and make appropriate decisions concerning their future.
- Curriculum
- About
School Curriculum
Kindergarten section
In Kindergarten, at Bethel Christian Academy, children learn to interact with other children their own age in an educational setting. Junior Kindergarten (age 4) and Kindergarten (age 5) are available for social training and readiness for further schooling.
Junior High
Junior High School students at Bethel International Christian School are challenged to excellence. The Middle School (Junior High) years are a time of transition between Elementary School and High School. Bethel International Christian School offers a quality education with a distinct purpose.
High School
Our goal in the High School is to prepare students for a successful life of obedience to God. The staff at Bethel International Christian School labor to inculcate God’s truth in the hearts and minds of our students. We appreciate that our students have a range of talents and therefore strive to allow each of them express and strengthen their God-given gifts.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian in enabled to live a godly life (Romans 8:13-14, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Ephesians 4:30, Ephesians 5:18).
Bethel International Christian School is a co-educational day school that offers an international education program for students in pre-school (from 4 years) to Grade 12.
Bethel International Christian School fosters an environment that enables students to aim for and achieve individual excellence in spiritual, social, academic and physical areas of the child’s development (Luke 2:52) and biblical instruction is integrated across the entire program of study.
Vision; The Bethel International Christian School vision is to ‘Generate excellently trained students prepared to fulfil God’s purpose’.
Mission; To create a pervasive Christian culture while maintaining high academic standards for all students regardless of levels of ability.