Asifiwe International Academy opened its doors to the public on Friday 4th March 2016.
“Asifiwe” is a Kiswahili word meaning; ‘let Him be praised’ the facts beyond science prove that the author and finisher of life and of all matter is God and everything including education is perfected in Him; So let God be praised.
Registered with Accelerated Education Enterprise(AEE) in south Africa Customer No.9354
AIA is positioned to positively impact education through the delivery of innovative education solutions whilst remaining grounded in a solid Christian ethos and culture. Raising servant leaders is our responsibility.
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The accelerated Christian Education Curriculum is a unique program that emphasizes Biblical Principle along with Strong Academic Skills.
ACE recognizes that each child has a unique learning style with individual abilities, talents and has developed a learning approach that accommodates learners’ individual capability. The curriculum enables the learners to achieve their full academic potential thus developing a firm foundation upon which future learning is built. ACE is evaluated by the International Certificate of Christian Education (ICCE) which awards certificates to the learners.