
Professional Advancement Centre | PAC

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Professional Advancement Centre | PAC is a private Institute, located in Pallisa district, in the Eastern part of Uganda within Pallisa town council. Like other rural based regions , Pallisa has low literacy levels, low income levels and generally poor standards of living which called for some transformation strategies.

Education and Training at this level is likely to act as one of the turnaround strategies. Other existing tertiary institutions either do not offer relevant courses or have a religious bias or are prohibitive in terms of costs.

PAC has well-qualified Professionals, Managers, Trainers and Educationists, with a wealth of knowledge and experience in the public sector, private sector, and not for profit sector.


Courses offered or planned to be offered

Professional Advancement CentreThey have Certificate and diploma programs in Secretarial studies, Certificate in computer Applications and other specialized IT Packages, Certificate and Diploma programs in Tailoring, Design, Certificate and diploma programs in marketing, Certificate and diploma programs in Accountancy, Other short term and specialized programs as approved from time to time.

• Institute of certified public accountants of Uganda (ICPAU)
(Accounting technicians (ATC) and Certified public accountants of Uganda(CPAU)

• External, Special and Revision programmes
External courses leading to the award of degrees and diplomas of various Recognized universities and professional bodies. The courses include;



• Technician Programmes
ATC(U)- Accounting Technicians Certificate of Uganda
KATC- Kenya Accounting Technicians Certificate
Certified Accounting Technician (CAT)

[related_posts]Certificate programmes
Tailoring, Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Catering, Hair Dressing and Cosmetology and many others

Diploma courses
A student must have obtained at least two advanced level principal passes at Uganda Advanced certificate of Education (UACE) obtained at one sitting.


The Institute has a well stocked library to meet student’s research needs. We also have equipped computer library with internet.

PAC has well planned infrastructure of its own in an educational and training environment. There is room for further expansion.

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