Katigondo Seminary was founded by the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers). Established at its present location in 1911, Katigondo holds a unique position in the life of the Catholic Church in Africa being the first seminary south of the Sahara in modern times.
The priestly ordination of the first two Ugandans in 1913 was the greatest achievement of the seminary.
Since then 4000 seminarians have studied in Katigondo of whom 1700 have been ordained priests and 27 bishops. Among her former students are: Most Rev Dr Joseph Kiwanuka (first African Bishop), Laurent Cardinal Rugambwa (First African Cardinal), Emmanuel Cardinal Nsubuga (First Ugandan Cardinal), Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala (Second Ugandan Cardinal), Mr Joseph Mubiru (First Governor of Bank of Uganda), Archbishops, Bishops, Priests and thousands of laity in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Sudan who have effectively served the Church and society in many capacities
Being a national seminary, the formation team of Katigondo is drawn from the different dioceses of Uganda. In line with Canon 239 of the Code of Canon Law, the team is headed by a Rector who is assisted by a Vice. Rector. There are qualified lecturers Who teach the various subjects. A general spiritual director coordinates the spiritual activities in the seminary. A support staff of religious and lay people contributes in other areas of the day to day running of the seminary.
Students are recruited to join Katigondo Seminary from the different dioceses of Uganda at the recom mendation of their bishops and vocations directors. Students’ affairs are managed through an elected students’ council. The students’ community is divided into small self-governing units called teams.
One of the priests on the staff acts as chaplain to the team. They meet and pray together on a regular basis. Some communal activities e.g. Eucharistic celebrations are organized, and animated by the teams