
Medicare Health Professionals College

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Medicare Health Professionals College is accredited in Uganda by National Council for Higher Education as a Private Tertiary Institution under No. TI.PL003. Medicare Health Professionals College is also accredited by Allied Health Professionals Council of Ministry of Health.

Medicare Health Professionals College mission is to train and provide high quality mid-level multidisciplinary health workers.

Courses: Medicare Health Professionals College courses include a Diploma in clinical Medicine, Diploma in Public Health, Diploma in Health Services Management, Certificate in Environmental Health, Diploma in Public Health Dentistry, Certificate in Dental Chair-side Assisting, Certificate in Laboratory Technique and Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology.

History: Medicare Health Professionals College was started in response to few mid-level health workers in Uganda. The college was started as a one diploma course school of clinical medicine and community health in 2002, and has expanded to include Laboratory Techniques and Technology, Dental Public Health, Health services management, and Public Health at both certificate and diploma levels. It is planned that in feature Medicare Health Professionals College will open branches upcountry in Uganda, upgrading their graduates in other skills like Surgery and Transforming into a University College.

[related_posts]Entry requirements: Medicare Health Professionals College admits both Ugandans and Non-Ugandans. For Non-Ugandans, the requirements will be those accepted in their home countries and interpreted by UNEB in Uganda.

Certificate Programs: Medicare Health Professionals College applicants will require at least 5 passes in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology at “O” level.

Diploma Programs: Medicare Health Professionals College diploma applicants will require 5 credits in English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology at O-LEVEL plus at least 2 principal passes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology or qualification in any health training program.

Vision: Medicare Health Professionals College vision is to have a well established and self sustaining health training institution, create knowledge in health, and improve health services delivery for better health in Uganda.

Mission: Medicare Health Professionals College mission is to train and provide high quality mid-level multidisciplinary health workers.


  • To provide teaching and learning infrastructure.
  • To sustain an adequate and well skilled teaching resource.
  • To conduct basic and applied scientific research and
  • To collaborate with relevant stakeholders in health training and service delivery.


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