
Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute (Kari)

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Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute is mandated to carry out research on bananas and horticultural crops, post-harvest crop losses, and soils and soil fertility management. The overall goal of KARI is to bring about positive change in the livelihood of producers by generating technologies for improving and sustaining productivity of the mandate commodities and systems.

Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute provides training in the following Areas; Higher degree (PhD, Msc, etc.), In-service training for technicians (diplomas), Administration and management, Finance and accounting.

Units and Departments: Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute departments include; Technology Development, Training and Agriculture Development (Banana).

[related_posts]Projects: Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute projects have included the following;

Functional diversity of Phaseolus bean mixture in East Africa project period: 1992 – 1996 project locations: Congo funding agency(s): DFID
Investigation of banana leaf speckle in Africa project period: 1997 project locations: Cameroon funding agency(s):
Investigations on Integrated Control of Tomato Late Blight (Phytophtora infestans) in Uganda project period: 1995
Novel techniques for detection and characterization of fungi causing Frium wilt and Sigatoka leaf spots of banana and plantain in East Africa project period
Management and recycling of crop residues, C.K. Kayizzi, 1997
On-farm banana and natural resources management project, Dr. W.K. Tushemereirwe.
Improvement of home saved seed quality in Uganda: phase 1, Dr. Kabeere.
Socio-economic studies of banana, horticultural production and post harvest systems

Objectives: The overall goal of Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute is to bring about positive change in the livelihood of producers by generating technologies for improving and sustaining productivity of the mandate commodities and systems. – The overall objective of the institute is to generate technologies for improving the quality and quantity of crops grown for cash and for food security, adequate nutrition and continued supply of high quality products for export and agro-industries.

Functions: Generate and disseminate improved technologies for increased production and productivity of bananas and horticultural crops so as to improve living standards of the populace through better returns to labor and increased incomes and diversity the agricultural export base and contribute to import substitution.

Publications: Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute publishes its research in Uganda Journal of Agricultural Science.

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