Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery was started in 1954 by the Government of Uganda to support the training of enrolled nurses and enrolled midwives but with the Government policy of phasing out enrolled nurses and enrolled midwives, the school has expanded the curriculum to train Registered Pediatric and Comprehensive Nurses.
Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery is located in Eastern Uganda, Jinja District and is a government institution managed under the Ministry of Education of Sports.
Training Activities: Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery students are involved in three types of activities i.e. classes, skills labs and clinical attachments. Classes and skills labs take place mainly within the school but clinical attachments are carried out across several hospitals, health centers, and medical organizations. This is so that our students get the greatest possible exposure and practice in their field of specialty.
Mission: Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery mission is to produce quality nurses and midwives that meet National and International standards, through effective training in partnership with key stakeholders.
Programs: Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery offers the following programs;
Diploma courses: Diploma in Pediatric & Child Health Nursing [DPCHN], Diploma in Nursing [DN] (Upgrading), Diploma in Nursing [DN] (Direct Entry), Diploma in Midwifery [DM] (Upgrading) and Diploma in Midwifery [DM] (Direct Entry).
Certificate courses: Certificate in Comprehensive Nursing [CCN] and Certificate in Midwifery [CM].
Admissions: Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery has three Diploma Courses and two Certificate Courses, and they admit two times a year. In March Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery holds interviews for practicing nurses who wish to upgrade. In June and July, they admit students that come in direct from Advanced level of Secondary School for Diploma programme and lastly in September the school admits students for Certificate Courses.
- To strengthen the staffing position of the school.
- To improve existing infrastructure and education support system.
- To strengthen financial support system and widen income base.
- To strengthen administration, supervision and disciplinary mechanism in the school and
- To strengthen school-community health development.